~by Lori Korthals, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach human sciences specialist, family life Self-talk is one of the most important conversations parents can have. Self talk is that inner voice we hear. It talks to us after we’ve made a decision. It talks to us after we’ve acted in a certain way. Self talk can be positive or negative,…
Read MoreCategory: Good News
Ram Restaurant opens next week
With a tagline “New home, new memories, same service,” Greene County culinary students are ready to open the 2021 season for Ram Restaurant, located at the new high school at 1901 N. Grimmell Road in Jefferson. Ram Restaurant will be open for lunch Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 23 through May 27, serving from 11:30 am to 1 pm. The…
Read MoreAmerican Legion donates flag to Welcome Center
American Legion Post 11 recently donated a US flag with the standard and eagle topper to the Welcome Center at Thomas Jefferson Gardens. Pictured with the flag are Legionnaires Elvin Thompson, Louis Swanson, Dan Wise, Kenny Arbuckle, Earl Cherryholmes, Jim Andrew and Darrel Stephan. The post meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. All veterans are welcome.…
Read MoreExtension, Thomas Jefferson Gardens, Trees Forever collaborate on horticulture program
A collaboration of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Greene County, Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County and Trees Forever is organizing a program on ”What Tree Should I Plant”. Jefferson resident Brad Riphagen of Trees Forever will be the speaker on Tuesday, March 23, at 10 am. He will discuss replacing and planting of trees lost in the August…
Read MoreP.E.O. Chapter CZ to award scholarship
P.E.O. Chapter CZ is seeking applicants for a $400 scholarship to a Greene County woman. Her education must have been interrupted and she must have been out of school for one year or have completed two years of higher education. Also eligible are daughters and granddaughters of active Chapter CZ members. Financial need and future goals will be among…
Read MoreIn the neighborhood
February 22, 2021 RIPPEY LIBRARY Website: www.rippey.lib.ia.us Email: rippeyli@windstream.net Hours: Mon-Fri 2- 5 p.m. ~by Phyllis Bardole, librarian This has been a cold month and I felt very cold, too! Our printer decided not to talk to our new computer, but thanks to our computer “specialist”, it is working now. There are a few problems still, but I can use…
Read MoreFirst Presbyterian Church awards grants to Adopt-a-Family and GrCoHS food bank
The First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson was recently awarded twomission partnership grants through the North Central Iowa North Central Iowa Presbytery. The local mission team applied for grants to benefit Adopt-a-Family and the food pantry at Greene County Schools. The Adopt-a-Family board works to brighten the holidays for GreeneCounty families in need. The volunteer board served more than 150 families…
Read MoreVFW serving country fried steak Thursday
Members of VFW Post 9599 and the VFW auxiliary are hosting supper Thursday, Feb. 25, from 5 to 6:30 pm at the hall at 109 N. Chestnut St in Jefferson. The menu features country fried steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn or peas, and dessert. A free will donation will be accepted. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there will be…
Read MoreExtension offers free Health Aging online course
Health often is the key factor in whether people can remain in their home as they grow older. Beginning Feb. 17, Iowa State University is offering a free online series to help Iowans remain healthy and independent as they age. “The foods you choose have lasting health impacts so it’s important you make every bite count! The newly released 2020…
Read MoreLandus donates to fire/rescue squads
Area fire/rescue squads were among 66 departments around Iowa to receive $750 each from Landus. Contributions totaled $49,500. Receiving funds were Churdan fire and rescue, Grand Junction fire and rescue, Greene County Ambulance, Jefferson Firefighter Association, Paton volunteer fire department, and Scranton fire department. The allocated funds are used to update and improve equipment and services, facilitating emergency response in…
Read MoreHunter safety course slated for March 6
There will be a hunter safety training course offered Saturday, March 6. The course, sponsored by the Greene County conservation board, will be held from 8 am to 4 pm at the Greene County Extension Service meeting room. COVID restrictions limit class size to 15. Students are asked to bring a sack lunch. All persons born after Jan. 1, 1972…
Read MoreScranton library notes
The library continues to be open by appointment, but don’t let that intimidate you! Just give us a call before you start out for the library. We want to make sure we have ample time to clean between patrons! We ask patrons to wear a face covering when coming to the library. We also wipe down all library materials when…
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