Students from both Greene County high schools attended the Iowa High School Speech Association’s state individual contest March 15. A trio of GrCoHS students earned Division I ratings from all three judges in the room — Randa Lindberg in Prose, Kamden Kinne in Expository Address, and Maggie Mikkelsen in Reviewing. Mikkelsen earned a mixed I rating in Literary Program and…
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Soup, bingo & dodgeball in Scranton March 29
Fundraiser for Scranton Community Center The public is invited to a fundraiser at the Scranton Community Building on Saturday, March 29 from 5 to 8 pm. Soup will be served from 5 to 7 pm. with a free will offering. After enjoying your food, stay and play bingo or dodgeball from 6 to 8 pm; $1 per bingo card, or…
Read MoreScranton all-school reunion slated for June 20-21
The Scranton All School Reunion is quickly approaching and the Alumni Association is working towards a mailing to get important information to all Scranton School Alumni, as well as current or former Scranton residents. The reunion is set for June 20 and 21, with a banquet set for Saturday, June 21. Anyone who would like to be invited to the…
Read MoreCelebrate ISU Extension & Outreach Week in Greene County
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Week is April 7-12. Iowa’s 100 county Extension offices will host “I Spy Cy” activities and educational events throughout the week to thank Iowans for their support of ISU Extension and Outreach throughout the state. “This celebration is one way we show our appreciation for the people who participate in our educational programs, as…
Read MoreWadsworth to compete FBLA state conference
Greene County senior Payton Wadsworth completed objective tests for the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) club in December. She was awarded a first in Spreadsheet Applications, first in Entrepreneurship, and a third in Personal Finance. She will compete in Accounting I at the State Leadership Conference held March 30-April 1 in Cedar Rapids. She is pictured here with her…
Read MoreAvoid tax and IRS scams during tax filing season
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird provides tips to protect Iowans from tax and IRS scams during the 2025 tax filing season. “As tax season kicks into high gear, Iowans should be on the lookout for IRS and tax scams,” said Attorney General Bird. “Criminal scammers are on the prowl to steal Iowans’ hard-earned money, and they will use every opportunity…
Read MoreP.E.O. Chapter CZ presents scholarship
The scholarship awarded by Chapter CZ of P.E.O. for 2024 was presented to Cherie Cerveny of Jefferson recently. Cerveny is completing her bachelor of science degree in social work. The $400 local scholarship from Chapter CZ is being utilized to reach that goal. Cerveny earned her associate’s degree from Des Moines Area Community College. Her career in early childhood services…
Read MoreGenealogical Society to meet March 1
The Greene County Genealogical Society will meet Saturday, March 1, at 10 am in the basement meeting room at the Jefferson public library. Corinne Bancroft will present a program on Military Pensions and Railroads. Everyone is welcome to attend. The library basement is handicapped accessible. The genealogy reference library is open to the public Wednesday 1 – 3 pm and…
Read MoreWeary Ramblers to perform March 14 in Jefferson
Weary Ramblers will perform a live music show at Elliott Art Studio on March 14, at 7 pm. Midwest songwriter Simon Cropp will open the show. Weary Ramblers features Jefferson’s own Chad Elliott on guitar and harmonica with Kathryn Severing Fox on fiddle, mandolin, guitar and viola. Weary Ramblers were recently recognized as the winner in the Best Group / Duo…
Read MoreCounty naturalist Fernholz at first Coffee Chat at GJ library
Grand Junction public library will kickoff off a new program, Coffee Chat, on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 10:30 am with Jacob Fernholz, Greene County conservation naturalist, discussing the “Spring Lake Fishery.” Fernholz will discuss the current status of the fish population at Spring Lake Park, northwest of Grand Junction, and future plans for improving the lake and its role as…
Read MoreIowa Cover Crop slates 2025 Conservation Coffee series
Iowa Cover Crop is kicking off its annual Conservation Coffee series, a casual and informative gathering for farmers, landowners, and anyone interested in sustainable land practices. Held at Iowa Cover Crop’s headquarters south of Jefferson, these free, come-and-go events feature coffee, donuts, engaging conversations, and door prizes. “There’s a lot of valuable knowledge within our community, and sometimes the best…
Read MoreExtension offers private pesticide CIC
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Greene County office will offer a Private Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC), led by Extension field agronomist Mike Witt. The course will be offered Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 pm at the Greene County Extension office. Walk-ins on the day of the program will only be admitted if room allows. Please preregister by…
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