Mini spirit spurs Rams to victory

Mini cheerleadingThe Ram cheerleaders had extra help Friday night, as the squad partnered with the Jefferson park and recreation department for mini cheerleading. All youngsters in prekindergarten through fifth grade were invited to participate.

The 50-plus high spirited youngsters had two after school clinics with the older cheerleaders in August and were scheduled to cheer at the Aug. 29 game against South Central Calhoun.

Their fun that night was postponed due to predicted thunderstorms. It rained a lot during the game and the Rams lost.

But, the story was different Friday night and so was the outcome of the game. It was cold, but not raining, and the Greene County Rams topped the Algona Bulldogs 21-6. Did the mini cheerleaders pump up the Rams? Maybe! They certainly pumped up their parents!

The photo is shared by ShineOn designs, creator/producer of the mini cheerleading T-shirts.

A recap of the football game is under the Sports tab here on GreeneCountyNewsOnline.

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