Greene County Farm Bureau holds annual meeting

The 99th annual meeting of the Greene County Farm Bureau began with a roast beef dinner served by the Greene County 4-H Young Leaders. The meeting, held July 31 at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds, was attended by 125 Farm Bureau members, spouses and guests.  Mark Buskohl, Iowa Farm Bureau District 5 director gave the invocation.

Following the meal, Greene County Farm Bureau president Perry Parker called the business meeting to order. He welcomed members and guests and introduced board members and spouses and Financial Services agents and sales associates who were present. Special guests introduced were Greene county supervisors Tom Contner and Dawn Rudolph, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach personnel Ruth Freeman and Sarah Jo Reynolds, State Senator Jerry Behn, State Representative Chip Baltimore, U. S. Congressman Steve King’s representative Merlin Bartz, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey, Iowa Farm Bureau president Craig Hill, Iowa Farm Bureau field service manager Tim Niess, and Buskohl. Abby Bravard and Sean Kenan were recognized as 2014 Greene County Farm Bureau scholarship recipients.

In his opening remarks, Parker thanked members for attending the county’s 99thannual meeting. He told members that the 100 year history of Greene County Farm Bureau would be celebrated at that evening’s meeting. It was in 1914 that Greene County Farm Bureau was organized by county farmers who saw the need for an organization with its roots deep in the soil.

Greene County Farm Bureau nominating committee chairman Randy Christensen presented the ballot for 2014: president Perry Parker, vice president John McCormick, secretary James Holz, and treasurer Brian Galloway. Also, directors at large  Perry Parker, Jim Giese, Bill Sutton, John Beltz, James Holz, Brian Galloway, John McCormick, and Adam Ebersole. New director elected was Jason Reedy. Officers will serve a one year term and directors a two year term.

The meeting included the adoption of the Greene County Farm Bureau 2014 resolutions. The resolutions will be forwarded to the Iowa Farm Bureau resolutions committee and also will be presented by Greene County Farm Bureau voting delegate Tom Safley to the Iowa Farm Bureau House of Delegates at the summer policy conference held in September.

Iowa Sec of Ag Bill Northey
Iowa Sec of Ag Bill Northey

Board member John Beltz presented the 2014 Distinguished Service to Ag award to Cecil Rueter of Grand Junction.  (See the story under the Good News tab.)

Guest speakers were Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and Iowa Farm Bureau president Craig Hill.

At the close of the meeting, Parker, office staff and directors drew for door prizes.

FB boardIowa Farm Bureau president Hill posed with Greene County directors. Pictured are (front, from left) Mark Naberhaus, Tom Safley, Vicki Robbins, John Beltz, Tim Robbins, Jim Giese, Brian Galloway, Brenda Anderson, Barry Anderson, and Perry Parker; and (back, from left)Jodi Frederick, Dan Frederick, Randy Christensen, Jason Reedy, John McCormick,  Hill, Adam Ebersole, Brent Schroeder, and James Holz. Not pictured are  board members Bill Sutton and Pete Bardole.







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