Greene County district court, week ending March 7

In Greene County district court Tantya Marie Helmrichs, 45, of Grand Junction was found guilty at a jury trial March 6 of possession of methamphetamine- third or subsequent offense. Assistant county attorney Laura Snider prosecuted the case. Sentencing will be at a later date.

Aryanna J. Rank, 18, of Churdan was granted a deferred judgment after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of possession of marijuana. She was placed on informal probation to the Greene County sheriff for one year. She must undergo a substance abuse evaluation and complete any recommended treatment. She must pay a $315 civil penalty, an amount not to exceed $500 for her court appointed attorney’s fees, and $100 court costs. A charge of possession of drug paraphernalia was dismissed. (Sentencing: Honorable Joseph B. McCarville)

Richard Dean Sucher II, 57, of Perry was granted a deferred judgment after he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of fraudulent practice- second degree. He was placed on probation to the Iowa Department of Correctional Services for two years. He must pay a $1,025 civil penalty, an amount not to exceed $500 for his court appointed attorney’s fees, and $170.50 court costs. A charge of gambling- avoid set-off was dismissed. (Sentencing: McCarville)

Persons pleaded not guilty at arraignment as follows: Elaine M. Norgart, 57, of Pisgah, assault while display dangerous weapon and willful injury causing bodily injury; Melissa Sue Dopheide, 43, of Breda, operate vehicle without owner’s consent; and Hayden Fister, 19, of Des Moines, possession of marijuana. Trial dates were set for May 13 in every case.

Information is available since the service of an arrest warrant that Danyell Marie Freeman, 48, of Fort Dodge is charged with driving while license barred. The case was initiated Oct. 27, 2024; the warrant was served March 5.

Christopher Harry Reber, 37, of Des Moines is charged with fraudulent practice- third degree and gambling- avoid set-off. The case was initiated Feb. 14; the warrant was served March 6.

Johnathan Henry Bohling, 44, of Hubbard is charged with driving while license barred.

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