To the editor – D. Lautner

To the editor,

In regards to the Bryan Helmus article on transgenders: I agree that transgenders need to be treated with respect and dignity. But he one aspect he failed to address was sports.

We don’t need trans men in the girls locker rooms. There are only two reasons why the trans men want to be there; 1) the are advertising their “dangling participles,” or 2) they want to get a close up, bird’s eye view of naked young fillies that in a couple of years will be put out to the “pasture of life.”

I don’t want trans men taking away awards and scholarships from our young girls and ladies. Also, women facing men are more apt to be injured during competition with trans men.

That is where I draw the line on transgenders. You can start your own team, your own league, your own conference, and your own championships.

Tranny Up!

Denny Lautner, Jefferson

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