Branstad, Reynolds send letter to President Obama re: underage immigrants

Pair calls for border security, sound immigration policy that respects the rule of law and transparency from the Obama Administration

DES MOINES – Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds on July 24 sent a letter to President Barack Obama seeking answers to the Obama Administration’s immigration crisis along the southern border. In the letter, Branstad and Reynolds encourage the President to secure the border, work with Congress to install a sound immigration policy that respects the United States’ rule of law, and seek transparency and clarity from the Obama administration, who has failed to answer the State of Iowa’s basic questions regarding this immigration crisis.

“We are deeply empathetic for the unaccompanied alien children who are coming to the United States for a better life,” Branstad and Reynolds state. “However, the lack of a secure border and sound immigration policy is sending a signal of false hope to the unaccompanied alien children.”

They continue, “…the policies of your Administration jeopardize the lives of unaccompanied alien children who are currently making a very dangerous journey from Central America.”

Branstad and Reynolds made the following basic requests of President Obama and his administration:

  1. Should clandestine placements continue, we request written certification from Secretary Sylvia Burwell that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USHHS) takes full responsibility and is ensuring the unaccompanied alien children are educated and in healthy and safe environments complying with the laws of the State of Iowa.
  2. That the Obama Administration begins sharing individual-level data on all placements in Iowa with the Iowa Department of Human Services. This transparency is critically important on a real-time basis so State and local leaders are empowered with the information needed to make sound decisions and ensure the health, safety and well-being of their citizens.
  3. To be kept informed, in real-time, of departure information for unaccompanied alien children.

“We write to express our deep concerns about the immigration crisis created by the inability of the federal government to secure the Southwest Border,” the letter reads. “Like many Iowans, we find the lack of transparency from your Administration with State and local leaders and the public on this important issue troubling.”

Branstad and Reynolds close the letter by calling on President Obama and Congress to come to a solution to the federal government’s immigration crisis by stating, “Therefore, it is incumbent upon your Administration and Congress to find a solution to this crisis and not just push the issue upon the States.”

To read the letter, click here: Branstad, Reynolds letter

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