GrCo school board nixes 3D scans of buildings

Plans to have elementary playground fenced in by winter

The Greene County Schools board of directors moved through business quickly at its regular meeting Oct. 9.

The board decided not to hire DLR Group to do 3D scanning of the district’s three school buildings. The $28,000 cost would have come from the district’s physical plant and equipment levy (PPEL) fund. The board tabled a decision last month and asked for more information.

Superintendent Brett Abbotts said at the October meeting that the Boone and Carroll districts had both considered the 3D scanning but opted against it due to cost.

Board member Cindy Daubendiek called the scanning “a waste of our money at this time.” Board member Michelle Fields made a motion to have the scanning done; the motion died for lack of a second.

During his report, Abbotts said OPN Architects is preparing design and bid documents for a new restroom facility at Linduska Field.

A year ago the board approved having the school construction class build the restrooms. That didn’t come to pass, something Abbotts called “a good thing, bad thing sort of thing,” as it would have been much smaller than required by code. The code would require about 40 toilets. The construction class’s plan called for about a dozen.

He also said he has two quotes and is getting a third on the cost of installing more fence to totally enclose the elementary school playground. The work will be done yet this fall.

He interviewed a potential construction manager for the solar panel installation project. He did not offer the job to the candidate but will continue looking. He said the project is still on track for construction next spring.

Activities director Dave Wright reported he is in discussion with the city of Jefferson and the Jefferson park and recreation department about possible improvements to the softball field.

Wright said his goal is to “figure out a way to make it a little more presentable, better for our kids to participate on, and be a better representation of our school, city and county.”

The outfield surface needs work. Wright said there may be a parent/community work day at the field. A particular concern is a lip that has formed at the edge of the infield going to the outfield.

The city owns the field and the school pays $10,800 per year for use of it.

The board approved submitting requests to the state School Budget Review Committee for allowable growth (reimbursement of actual expenses during the last school year) for special education in the amount of $426,088 for special education; and $17,485 for expenditures in the limited English proficient program.

The board approved early graduation requests from 10 high school seniors. Those students will graduate at the end of semester, Jan. 9, contingent on them completing all requirements for graduation.

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