Letter to the editor: John Brunow, school safety

To the editor,

Eighteen months ago I wrote a letter urging people to take action to protect our children from being murdered at school. I endorsed adding trained law enforcement officers with plans to provide greater safety. My suggestion was that the leaders in our county form a plan, budget the money, and reduce the opportunity for a local tragedy.

I am back.

We are six weeks from a General Election. This is the most opportune time for citizens to ask the candidates for sheriff, board of supervisors, and the Iowa legislature how they will act to protect our children. “What do you intend to do to keep our children from being murdered at school?” Ask the question. Listen to the reply. Be ready to tell them, “You need to get a better answer!”

Thoughts and prayers after a school is shot up may be acceptable to some people. Posting signs proclaiming Greene County or Paton-Churdan STRONG may dissipate a bit of sorrow. But truly acting to protect our children is the best effort and the key time is NOW.

John Brunow, Jefferson

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