Scranton comes together for community center roof fundraiser

The Scranton community, along with others joining from around Greene County, came together last Saturday evening for a night full of good food, fun games and great prizes in effort to raise money for the community center gym roof. 

The Greene County Producers (beef, pork and lamb) provided the meat for the meal, with sides from Lidderdale Country Store. Ice cream was there for the taking after finishing your meal, brought by Misty Betty. 

“We have to thank all the businesses and individuals who have donated prizes for the games. It wouldn’t be possible without their support,” said Jane Finch.

One of the fundraising games was the sale of wooden spoons, each of them numbered, with the numbers determining which prize the purchaser would win. Pictured are (from left) Tim Robbins, Lorrie Zelweger, Gale Zellweger and Vickie Robbins.

The money raised was still be totaled as press time but the organizers were pleased with the community’s response. 

The community center is an anchor in the Scranton community, providing a home for rec basketball, dodge ball, birthday and anniversary parties, and much more. ~ courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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