Too much of too much

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

Had it been a novel instead of real life, this past week would never have made it to the publisher’s desk. As fact of real life, it was also too much of too much, a poorly written novel because it had too many plots for one piece of fiction, let alone fact: we became party to attempted assassination; the advertised ”uniting” of America that was going to but didn’t  gladden the country from the Republican convention in Milwaukee; for his vice-president, Trump adds a person to his kneeling knights who is a white male supremacist from the South who believes in abortions for nobody; President Joe Biden gets Covid; President Joe Biden resigns from the contest he was in to beat an ex-president in the general election; President Joe Biden promotes his vice-president Kamala Harris to fulfill his candidacy for nomination as the Democrat to beat the Republican; most of the Dems, low and high, across the country are okay with this after the shock of it; the far right starts immediately with its hate-talk against “poor” Joe and “laughing” Kamala; as well as suing the Democratic National Committee for illegally using Biden’s campaign money on Harris.

Calling names is sophisticated if you’re in fourth grade.

And calling out the other side and blaming them for things you yourself do is stale (it’s called ‘projection’) . . . too apparent now that it’s been going on since 2016.

I would like the Dems to just pull together for the next 100 days – a short period of time – and get behind Harris to beat the felon she’ll be running against. She could literally save the republic, even though the far right plans a “bloodbath” if their possibly almost assassinated candidate loses again.

I  would like the rest of the Rs to just be decent.

I would like the Press to step up to their duty rather than obey their millionaire owners. If  I want real news, not “light” news or constant-felon news, I have to go to the Irish News, the BBC, the Meidas Touch, Crookedmedia, Democracy Now, The Conversation (whose thoughtful in-depth articles the Associated Press carries) to inform me of what the ex-Republican president does, is, and insists his ring-kissing followers do for  him (rather than for the country). Can the Press quit talking about Biden’s missteps during the debate of weeks ago and, if they must keep harkening back to that evening, talk about the lies and missteps of the felon whom he was up against then,  and since.

The Republican party, or as it’s known now – the Trump party – and its president always have lies at the ready, crooked deals, meanness, and greed. When is the Press going to go after them EVERY afternoon, instead of the Dems, Biden, Harris, Blacks. women, immigrants (considering all of them illegal, which I figure must mean their own ancestors), Hispanics, the unhomed, protesters against Jim Crow behavior of the far right; and the leader of the Trump party’s propensity for praising and honoring foreign strongmen like Victor Orban from Hungary, Putin from Russian, Kim Jong Un from North Korea, only the ones from very un-democratic countries.

What leader of this country has ever favored autocrats (that we know about)? Let alone enemies? Who does the Trump party president think he is (Well, other than chosen by God and in the hands of Jesus who saved his ear)? Oh, yeah, he wants to be a strongman like his friend Orban with the playbook that repressed Hungary, that once-free democracy.

We may be about to join the ranks of the people of Hungary – no free press; a judiciary that obeys the leader, not the law; people who have the money and the wherewithal to flee their own country in order to live in freedom someplace.

It  sounds impossible that any of this could happen in the U.S.

Read Project 2025. Read Trump’s Agenda 47, and be forewarned. This is not news from MSNBC or the New York Times, but “true facts” from the Donald himself and his past White House employees, now working for Project 2025.

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