County fair tournament determines bragging rights in cribbage

Cribbage winners, allScott Graham, Marci Sullivan and Larry Thomsen (pictured, from left) can all claim bragging rights as best cribbage players in Greene County after winning the cribbage tournament hosted by the Greene County Rams girls basketball team at the fair Sunday.

Graham won the singles side of the tournament with a score of 956 points. Randy Winkelman was second with 923 points.

In doubles play, Thomsen and Sullivan had 1,836 points to win. Thomsen and Estel Ott placed a close second with 1,833 points, and Darrell Pettit and Gerald Pettit placed third with 1,824 points.

The girls basketball team uses proceeds from fundraisers like the cribbage tournament to help with camp and other expenses, and to make donations to community projects like the Relay for Life and furnishing the Greene County Medical Center hospice room.

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