Celebrate the holidays with Historical Society

The Greene County Historical Society will hold its annual holiday lunch at noon on Friday, Dec. 1, at the Greenewood Center, 401 W. Greenewood Rd., in Jefferson.

During lunch, Greene County High School’s saxaphone quartet, led by the school’s band director Wes Anderson, will perform. After lunch, Jefferson musician Sheilah Pound will lead the group in carol singing.

And then society president Nick Foster will conduct the society’s annual business meeting. 

Lunch costs $10. Please RSVP by Tuesday, Nov. 28, to a Historical Society community contact, or call 515-386-4408.

Holiday Open House – Plan to drop in on the Holiday Open House at the Museum, 219 E. Lincoln Way, Saturday, Dec. 9, between 9 am and noon.

Janice Harbaugh of Jefferson will play holiday songs on the grand piano, and Gina Harrington, also of Jefferson, will read from her book “Christmas at the Farm,” recently published by Raspberry Ridge Publishing.

Guests can peruse the museum’s vast collection of Barbie dolls, some dressed up for the holidays, and take part in a drawing for gift cards.

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