Scranton city council delays decision on chickens in town

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

The public hearing held by the Scranton city council regarding chickens brought a small number of residents to the Oct. 10 meeting. Council members listened to the residents’ opinions and will discuss it further at a later date.

Dawn Rudolph, Peggy Hoyt and Tina Beaman provided information on the HWY 25 Corridor Project. The plans are to offer assistance to people to make improvements to their homes, similar to the 144 CHI project which was successful in the eastern part of Greene County.

Towns included in the HWY 25 Corridor Project are Scranton, Churdan, Ralston, Bayard and Coon Rapids. 

Appointments were made to the Zoning Committee. They are Annette Brown, Clayton Dudley, Roger Hoyt, Roberta Theulen and Cindy Boyd.

City clerk Crystal Rice was granted a $1.21 per hour raise, effective Sept. 28. That sets her salary at $16.50 per hour.

A change was made to policy and procedures handbook. Employees will now have the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve day off but will be expected to work on Martin Luther King Day and Columbus Day. 

Mayor Jerry Boyd reported for the public works department. The plants are running well and the street sweeper has been repaired. Two houses tested for lead failed. City employees have been cutting down more trees as they have time. The tree company is expected to arrive soon to take down other dead or dying trees in town. 

Dawn Rudolph gave an update on the Community Center. The summer months are traditionally slow but usage is starting to pick up again. The bus stop is running smoothly. AAU sports are beginning to use the facility for practices. The remodeling project of the wrestling room is underway.

Pickleball is a new activity that people have shown interest in. A couple of night games have been played with the possibility of a league forming. 

The new sinks have finally arrived and will be installed soon. 

Beggars Night was set for Saturday, Oct. 28, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Councilman Gale Zellweger presented a list of home nuisances that need to be addressed.

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