How many spots do giraffes have? How old is the baby giraffe? Can the parrot dance? And the questions continued from 100 first graders from Greene County and Paton-Churdan school systems recently at the Beta Tau Delta Day at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.
The youngsters were treated to zoo train rides, a hot lunch, individually feeding giraffes, zoo keepsakes, and touring the whole zoo with their teachers and associates and Beta Tau Delta volunteers. Water for the students was donated by Home State Bank.
The annual trip sponsored by the local women’s sorority began more than a decade ago when school budgets prohibited student field trips.
The zoo trip and other sorority donations for children in Greene County are made possible by donations to Beta Tau Delta c/o Anita Van Horn, 102 E. State, Jefferson, IA 50129.
Erabella Cornelius (left) and Lakota Exline were all smiles when they visited the Blank Park Zoo, sponsored by Jefferson’s Beta Tau Delta sorority.