Candidate forums slated for Jeff council GrCo school board candidates

The Rotary Club of Jefferson will host a pair of public candidate forums prior to the Nov. 7 city/school election.

A forum for Jefferson city council candidates will be held Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 7 pm in the Greene County elementary school cafeteria. Candidates Sue Bose, Chad Sloan, Trevor Wishman and Matt Wetrich all plan to attend. Moderator will be John Brunow.

A forum for Greene County Schools board of education candidates is slated for Monday, Oct. 30, also at 7 pm at the elementary school cafeteria. All three candidates – Connie Boyd, Dylan McConnell and Tim Riphagen – plan to attend. Rick Morain will serve as moderator.

The forums will conclude by 8 pm.

Candidates will introduce themselves, take questions from the moderator, and then field questions from the public. There is no charge – all are invited.

The forum is hosted by the Rotary Club of Jefferson as a service to the community.

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