Nunn statement on passing legislation to avert government shutdown

U.S. Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed legislation to avert a government shutdown: 

“The status quo in D.C. is critically broken. I’m fighting daily to bring Iowa commonsense to our nation’s capital and end the rigged system that has led to nearly-limitless spending and sky-high inflation.  My first bill was a Balanced Budget Amendment, and since then, I’ve led legislation to prevent members of Congress from enriching themselves at Americans’ expense, including preventing pay raises for members of Congress and cutting off politicians’ paychecks during a shutdown.  

“We cannot continue stumbling along with Continuing Resolutions that do nothing to cut spending, but we also cannot right the ship by letting it sink. That’s why I’m voting to keep the government open—ensuring no Iowan loses their access to critical services and programs—while we urgently continue working to cut wasteful spending.

” The Senate must now do its job to keep the military paid, defend our national security, and protect our economy from disaster.” 

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