Iowa DNR identifies black water in Greene County as hog manure

The spill was discovered just about 1.5 mile from my farm and in the RRWA Save Squirrel Hollow testing zone. We’ve been testing there and other creeks that feed into the River since they built that hog nursery just south 1/2 mile of me here on the Raccoon River Bluff in the fall of 2022. 

The neighborhood discovered “a situation” — black water and a stench — on a creek just south 1/2 mile from there on 8/16 and tested again with dire results, and reported it to the County and the DNR. The investigation, and now cleanup, has been in DNR capable hands since! 

The DNR has had boots on the ground and tracked the spill to a county tile and the county tile to the source. 

DNR-sanctioned cleanup has been underway since Friday and will continue until it’s declared “clean”. It’ll be a while – they’ve already pumped, hauled and spread some 500,000 gallons. There will be another official report from DNR senior environmental specialist Alison Manz again Monday.

I can’t say enough good things about the Atlantic Field office and Alison Manz. The spill reporting hotline number 515-725-8694. All of us who are concerned about our water quality should keep it handy for quick reporting! 

Needless to say, things have been a little tense around here!! I’ve been praying for the beaver who not only dammed the stream for us, but has had to exist in that mess these last weeks as it’s been fouled. Alison saw him on Friday and their dams seem to have contained most of the spill from another 2 mile flow to the Raccoon.  I just hope the beaver, the other wildlife and birds survive the cleanup.

RRWA testers will continue building a baseline on the streams in Greene County. We’ve been testing monthly and report results in the National Izaak Walton Hub. 

A “Snapshot” of the Raccoon River and tributaries is scheduled for Sept. 19. Volunteer teams will test in Greene, Dallas and Polk counties. Persons interested in joining in this effort are encouraged to contact RRWA online at or by email: 

Chris Henning, Franklin Township, Raccoon River Watershed Association chair

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