How about a cookie?

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

Wonder of wonders, the Pentagon, of all entities governmental, is releasing to the great unwashed of America some very secret secrets they’ve been keeping for decades. The secrets are interesting, titillating, really, and I am now hoping that this unusual generosity of sharing will wash over onto politicians as much as it has with the spooks in the Pentagon and make them honest in thought and deed.

To write this about pols seems silly – how could I fall for this piece of Pollyanna from my long-held perception of the Pentagon and its inmates. Not only do I believe them, but I also now see hope in this human process for politicians operating in the public servitude we pay them for rather than avoiding their job as legislators in their devotion to lying for power and profit.

The Pentagon is revealing to us that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), now called UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous {air and water} Phenomena), are and have been for years investigated and documented while being hidden from the majority of us. A few pilots in the military who saw UFOs and reported them have been ignored, chastised and threatened by their superiors in multi-decade UFO investigations by the government. They are now being allowed to talk to US citizens of the U.S.

There is investigation under way of sightings and of reports hidden. Progress rather than pretense has reared its handsome head. The hearing via the House Oversight Committee’s national security subcommittee can be seen on YouTube.

For reasons beyond our ken, our “of-by-and-for-the-people” government has decided that the people (that would be us) need to know if the objects in the air above the U.S. are foreign governments spying on us or something from far away in a galaxy unknown to us that needs to be investigated by science.

I am very much for this. The person who told me about this subcommittee said, “This is either very good news or very bad news.” That’s true. The government telling us its secrets? This has happened so seldom, if ever, that I’m cautious; well, I’m cynical about the revelation.

But still, I want the information on UAPs. I believe that transparency, telling the truth, works better than keeping secrets. A military pilot who has been dealt with “brutal tactics” for turning in information on UFOs that he has seen, said, “The American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies. It is long overdue.”

However, this goes against just another of our human deficits (secrecy), and what will happen with the news out in the open, no one knows. It will surely become politicized and (new buzzword) weaponized by at least one-third of the country. So be it.

We can deal with liars. Because we humans are also social critters (one of our good characteristics), it is to our advantage to be in touch with all kinds of life however alien we seem to one another. We can offer to new aliens who might land their spacecraft in our backyard or to those just beyond our backyard fence who have lived adjacent to us for years: “Welcome into my yard. How about a cookie, sir, and madam? We speak love and compassion. Do you?”

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