Short meeting for county supervisors

Greene County attorney Thomas Laehn reassured the county supervisors at their July 24 meeting that the appointment of Billie Jo Hoskins as auditor a week earlier passed muster, even though she was sworn in to the job before being officially appointed.

Laehn explained that per the state code, the supervisors had 10 days to swear her in after approving the resolution of her appointment. Hoskins told the supervisors that after last week’s meeting, county treasurer Katlynn Mechaelsen administered the oath of office a second time, with Pam Olerich, tax coordinator in the auditor’s office, as the witness. Even with the first oath of office inoperative, as she hadn’t yet been appointed, Hoskins was appointed and then sworn in before lunch.

The supervisors regular meeting was brief. Assistant county engineer Tanner Stauffer reported that County Road E-57 will be closed to through traffic for resurfacing, tentatively beginning July 31. Fort Dodge Asphalt, the company that last week resurfaced W. Lincoln Way in Jefferson, will do the project. Completion is expected to take a month.

The supervisors approved the FY23 annual report of the county substance abuse prevention and treatment grant. They also approved Hoskins as authorized signatory of E911 checks.

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