Scranton council appoints Thomas to fill vacancy

Still one vacancy remaining on council

Nici Thomas is a new member of the Scranton city council. She took the oath of office at the July 18 meeting.

There is still an empty seat on the council. Anyone interested should contact mayor Jerry Boyd or city hall. 

Both seats will be on the ballot in November.

Cindy Boyd gave a report on the city parks. Bids are being solicited to paint the gazebo. The parks committee is looking to purchase more trash cans, liners and lids. She had quotes to purchase six complete sets of trash cans, one lid and two 55-gallon lids for cans currently in use. The council split vote on the purchase with Ashley Squibb casting the dissenting vote.

The council discussed the estimate from the insurance company for wind damage at the fire station. The council approved the settlement. 

A public hearing is scheduled on Aug. 8 to sell the city-owned property at 505 State St. Sealed bids should be delivered to city hall by Aug. 7. The bids will be opened at the public hearing.

The council approved a bid to remove more of the infected and dying trees in town. The fence that was damaged at the school park will be addressed at the August meeting.  ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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