American Legion meets membership goal

Incoming post commander Fred Long (left) is congratulated by outgoing post commander Kenneth Arbuckle.

American Legion Post 11 commander Kenneth Arbuckle received a certificate of appreciation from American Legion national commander Paul E. Dillard for meeting 100 percent of the post’s membership goal for 2023. The certificate was presented to Arbuckle at the post’s regular meeting July 10.

At the same meeting, Arbuckle passed the command onto incoming commander Fred Long.

Post 11 meets the second Monday of each month at 7 pm at the Welcome Center at Thomas Jefferson Gardens. All veterans are welcome to attend a meeting. Persons who want more information can contact post vice-commander Elvin Thompson at 515-386-2072 or post adjutant Barb Labate at 515-386-5547.

The new membership year began July 1.

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