Cram the Cab helps food pantry

A total of $1,654 was raised at this year’s Greene County Farm Bureau’s Cram the Cab event held June 12 – 17 at the Jefferson Fareway.  Action Resource Center food pantry director Shirley Haupert thanked the county Farm Bureau for its continuing commitment to help those in the county struggling with food insecurity. “As the number of Greene County families relying on food assistance help from the food pantry continues to grow, donations like this from generous individuals help us fill our shelves,” Haupert said.

The dollar total represents a combination from Fareway customers who purchased pre-packed bags of non-perishable food items, customers who rounded up their grocery bill at the cash registers, and cash donations from Kim Tjepkes, Financial Services agent and the county Farm Bureau.

Greene County Farm Bureau board members Tom Safley and Mark Naberhaus, Fareway assistant manager Nick Wassenaar and Fareway employee Carson Cerveny on June 29 delivered 31 grocery bags filled with non-perishable food items that had been purchased and also made a check(s) presentation to Haupert.

Delivery day at the food pantry

Not to be forgotten is Rueter’s Equipment in Grand Junction for again partnering with the use of a tractor for the week.

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