American Legion Post 11 awards scholarship

Isabella Schroeder, daughter of Army veteran Aaron Schroeder, was chosen to received the Floyd W. Brown Scholarship Award from American Legion Post #11. The award was made at the Greene County Senior Awards Night May 16.

The Floyd W. Brown Scholarship was established in 2018. Brown was the first known Greene County native to die during World War One and is the namesake of the local American Legion post.

Pictured are (from left) Legion member Jeff Lamoureux, Isabella Schroeder, and Legion member Fred Long

The scholarship was funded this year by the family of John Peters. Peters served as a certified nurse anesthetist in the US Army in Vietnam and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for working in the operating room for 36 straight hours during the Tet Offensive. Upon returning to Iowa he became a lifetime member of the American Legion, and was a member of Post 11 when he died in April, 2022.

The primary qualification for the scholarship is to be the son or daughter of an honorably discharged veteran. Applicants are then asked to answer three from a list of five essay question. Schroeder’s answers reflected the values the American Legion esteems as a patriotic organization – moral convictions, patriotism, and service to others.

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