Medical Center’s cardiac care management team says ‘know your numbers’ during Heart Month

For the past 73 years, heart disease has been the leading cause of death for Americans. Every 34 seconds, one person dies from cardiovascular disease and every 40 seconds, someone in the United States dies from a heart attack; one in five of those being silent killers. Right here in Greene County, it is estimated that nearly 31 percent of deaths are the result of heart disease.

February is American Heart Month, and the experts at Greene County Medical Center remind area residents that it’s never too late to make lifestyle changes for better heart health.

“The most important thing anyone can do is to keep regular appointments with their provider and know their numbers,” said cardiac care management director Amy Sessions. “There are many different factors that contribute to heart disease, and most can be monitored and improved with simple changes. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends people start by working to manage Life’s Essential 8.”

According to the AHA, improving heart health begins at home with better nutrition, more activity, smoking/tobacco cessation, healthy sleep habits, controlling cholesterol and managing weight, blood sugar and blood pressure.

“We also want our area residents to take that first step in knowing their numbers by offering an opportunity for a free blood pressure check,” Sessions said. “On Wednesday, February 15, healthcare professionals from Greene County Medical Center will be at the Jefferson Hy-Vee for a blood pressure clinic from noon to 2 p.m. We are happy to answer your questions and help you find the resources needed to support a healthy heart.”

In addition to routine physicals with your provider, Greene County Medical Center’s cardiac care management and laboratory teams are available for testing, rehabilitation, wellness screenings and more. Cardiologist, Dr. Craig Stark, is in Jefferson twice per month to perform procedures and for clinical appointments.

Persons who want more information or to schedule an appointment can visit to or call 515-386-2114.

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