Existing business growth grant to Greene Goods Market

Andy Krieger (right) accepts the grant from JMMS&CC economic vitality team chair Peg Raney.

Andy Krieger of Greene Goods Market has received an existing business growth mini-grant.  The economic vitality team of Jefferson Matters: A Main Street & Chamber Community has awarded a $500 grant for the manufacturing of holiday wreaths and garland “in-house” with the addition of equipment needed.

The purpose of this mini-grant program is to financially assist business owners in Jefferson to diversify and grow product lines based on ESRI data and demand of product.  The mini-grant is a 50 percent matching grant and existing business growth mini-grant applications are available at www.jeffersonmatters.org under Resources.

In Krieger’s application, he cited that in the past two years, the supply chain for these wreaths and garland has shrunk to the point that many retailers are no longer finding that offering these items is profitable. There is now a local source at Greene Goods.

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