JPRD plans special fun for day off school

The Jefferson park and recreation department has planned activities for Monday, Oct. 24, a day of no school for area students.

Laser tag will be played in the Community Center gym from 10 to 11:30 am by students in grades 2-3, and from 1:30 to 3 pm by students in grades 4-6. The activity is limited to 16 players in each time slot.

Greene County Community Center members will pay $10, with non-members paying $15. Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 21.

Students with an artist bent can make design a real pumpkin full of fresh flowers. Participants can take their floral designs home, or they can be delivered at no charge to a favorite teacher.

Pumpkin Floral Design will meet from 12 to 1 pm at the community center. It is open to children in grades K-5, and will be taught by staff from Fudge’s Flowers and Gifts. The class is limited to 12 participants.

The cost for Community Center members is $25; cost for non-members is $30.

Registration for these programs can be done online at or in person at Greene County Community Center, 204 W. Harrison St, Jefferson.

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