Letter to the editor – A. Smith about the supervisor candidates

To the editor                                                                                                                                        10/10/22

With the upcoming elections in November taking place, I’d like to remind the voter of the contrast between the two candidates that are up for election to fill a vacant seat on the board of supervisors. They are Mike Holden and Dan Benitz.

Dan Benitz won’t tell you he was on the City Council. But he was, for about 6 months. Fact of the matter he never mentions his time on the Jefferson City Council in person or in literature, and that he quit at the “first blush” of controversy, that being the TNR program that was being discussed at the Council meetings. In case you don’t know, TNR is short for Trap, Neuter, and Release, of our town’s community cats. Anyway, apparently, Mr. Benitz didn’t think TNR was the way to go. Or so what I’ve been told. If you get a chance, ask Mr. Benitz what he thinks is the best animal control.

In contrast, Mike Holden was born and raised in Greene County. Farmer and cattleman. So he knows  farming issues. Mike has held public office, before! He was on the School Board for over 14 years,  he understands the issues that teachers and schools face. He’s not afraid to deal with difficult issues. I believe he will meet those issues, head – on. He knows how to talk to people.

That’s one of the differences between Dan Benitz and Mike Holden. Do we want a supervisor that quits when the heat is on, or do you want to have a person in office that is there for the long haul? My money’s on Mike Holden for supervisor.

Respectfully, Adrienne Smith – Jefferson

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