A second Snowbird about early voting

To the editor,

I am upset! The reason? Our Iowa legislature is trying to hinder people who want to vote.

How? By not being able to get a mail-in ballot earlier than 20 days before the November election. I went to the Greene County Courthouse to sign up to receive a ballot in Florida, and, much to my dismay, the Auditor’s office cannot send ballots out until October 19. That means my ballot probably would not arrive in time for me to return it unless I overnighted it, So NOW I have to pay to vote.

I have lived in Iowa for 77 years and now the legislature has figured out how to keep citizens from voting. I am sure the GOP-run legislature thinks it can deter many Democrats from voting. This is one more example of how Republicans are eroding our freedoms!

Wake up everyone, start reading and listening to what is going on in your state.

Jerilynn Denman, Jefferson

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