Expulsion shortened for student who took gun to school

The Greene County Schools board again spent longer than an hour in closed session discussing the expulsion of a student who is charged in district court with having a gun and ammunition in his car in the student parking lot at Greene County High School.

The board decided a week ago to expel the student for all of the 2022-23 school year. Board members Bonnie Silbaugh, John McConnell and Michelle Fields voted in favor of the expulsion. Board president Steve Fisher attended the meeting remotely but did not attend the closed session; he abstained. Board member Cindi Daubendiek was absent.

After the second closed session the board shortened the expulsion to only two trimesters, and he has permission to take Iowa Central classes in the career academy beginning in January 2023.

The board added stipulations for the shortened expulsion. The student must undergo counseling, he must address the student body, he must park in a designated parking space only, and he may not enter the high school portion of the building until the third trimester begins in March.

Board members Fisher, Silbaugh, McConnell and Daubendiek voted in favor of the modified expulsion. Fields voted against the motion.

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