Supes get info on Horan pioneer cemetery

~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline

The Greene County board of supervisors at the June 20 regular meeting heard from Dawn Thielen, clerk for Kendrick Township, reporting on a land survey completed on the Horan Cemetery there.

The Horan Cemetery is a pioneer cemetery recently the subject of concern over possible farming within its boundaries.

Thielen told the board the land survey showed the eastern boundary of the cemetery is “closer to the road than we thought.”

Thielen said the survey has been recorded and posts were placed on June 7 to mark the corners of the cemetery.

“The Iowa Cemetery Committee has visited the property,” Thielen said. “The survey cost and recording fees come to $927.50.”

“We budget $500 per year for pioneer cemeteries,” auditor Jane Heun said.

The board discussed paying half from this fiscal year and the rest from the next fiscal year which starts July 1. They did unanimously approve $500 from the pioneer cemetery budget for the survey.

Additionally, the supervisors approved the construction of an entryway by the secondary roads department to allow access to the cemetery. Trustee Don Ferguson had previously discussed this with engineer Wade Weiss.

In other business, Keith Pedersen, Mumma and Pedersen Law Firm of Jefferson, requested the supervisors modify a surveyor’s note in order to “complete the sale of certain property.”

Pedersen requested the word “or” be replaced with “and.” Through discussion with the board, the property was identified as being south of town on the bike trail and part of an estate.

The board unanimously approved two affidavits Amending Plat of Survey for the property in question.

Joan St. Clair from Heritage Insurance reviewed the county’s property and liability coverage with the board for FY2023.

St. Clair said ICAP (Iowa Communities Assurance Pool) coverage has increased by $42,500 due to higher premiums from the addition of the former Midland Power building and the Alliant Energy buildings being purchased by the county for use as the new Law Enforcement Administrative building and the secondary roads building.

St. Clair said workers compensation decreased about $22,000 because of less usage over the past year. The county is receiving an increased discount from IMWCA (Iowa Municipalities Workers Compensation Association) and a good experience bonus. She said the Nationwide faithful performance bond for the county remains at $2,305.

St. Clair said contributions from the county for all three coverages totals $302,193.

The board unanimously approved the FY2023 contributions.

The board also unanimously approved Resolution 2022-21 appropriating FY2023 funds at 85 percent. This is normal operating procedure, with the other 15 percent to be appropriated at a later date.

Auditor Heun told the board actuarial services are required each year for a comprehensive report on post-employment benefit information. She said this is required by GASB 75.

Heun presented a service agreement with the Howard E. Nyhart Company to provide a full-year actuarial update for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, and an interim update for the next fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.

Heun said the full-year report cost would be $3,300 and the interim report cost would be $2,250.

The board unanimously approved the service agreement with Nyhart.

During open forum, rural Cooper resident Chris Henning, attending electronically, thanked and commended the local fire department, sheriff’s office, and EMT personnel for quick response to an emergency at her home over the Memorial Day weekend.

“They’re good at their jobs,” board chair John Muir said.

Henning also invited the supervisors to a Practical Farmers of Iowa field day on Friday, June 24, from 5 to 8 pm at her home. Henning said farmland stewardship and conservation will be discussed.

“The public is invited, too,” Henning said. “There will be burgers and pie.”

The supervisors re-canvassed the primary election results for Republicans’ Supervisor District 3 after a recount was done June 17 in response to a written request from candidate James Hedges.

“There had been a problem with the machine feed of ballots and so a hand count was done,” Heun explained.

Heun reported the new totals are 310 votes for Dan Benitz, 303 votes for James Hedges, and 104 votes for Cassie George. Benitz remains the Republican nominee for District 3 supervisor.

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