Farm Bureau visits ELCs, donates toward purchase of dairy products for children

Greene County Farm Bureau celebrated June Dairy Month at both early learning centers in the county.

Board member Perry Parker visited the Paton-Churdan Early Learning Center and talked with children about June Dairy Month, that milk comes from cows at dairy farms, and that milk helps grow strong bones and teeth for children and adults.

He also told the children and staff at the local Farm Bureau is donating funds to purchase milk for the entire month of June at the center.

Perry Parker at the Paton-Churdan Early Learning Center

Board member Mark Naberhaus and county outreach coordinator Marilyn Parker visited the Greene County Early Learning Center in Jefferson. In one of the classroom there Naberhaus talked about dairy farming and the dairy industry. The youngsters were knowledgeable about dairy products and agreed that ice cream is their favorite.

The local Farm Bureau donated a Fareway gift card for the purchase of dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and string cheese.

Mark Naberhaus (back, right) presents a gift card to Greene County Early Learning Center director Cherie Cerveny.

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