The American Legion and the Department of Defense request “This Memorial Day Americans pause to remember the brave men and women who have given their lives in defense of our nation, from the Revolutionary War to the worldwide war on terrorism.”
Scranton Township Cemetery at 9:45 am, at the Scranton Township Cemetery
Guests will be welcomed, followed by a prayer given by Bill Taggart. The Greene County marching band will play The Star Spangled Banner. Greene County High School students will provide special music and will speak at the event. Veterans in attendance will be recognized. The band will conclude the program with patriotic music followed by Taps.
The roll call of names of those buried in Scranton Cemetery since Memorial Day 2021 will be read as a final tribute.
For guaranteed, comfortable seating, bring your own lawn chairs. In case of bad weather, the service will be held in the Scranton Community Center (gynmasium). The committee is headed by Al and Cheryl Robson.
St. Joseph Cemetery, Jefferson, 9:30 am
Jefferson Municipal Cemetery 10:45 a.m.
Vice Commander Jim Andrew, American Legion Post #11, will serve as master of ceremonies. Pastor Isaak Wangler of Abundant Life Church will present the invocation and benediction.
The Jefferson fire department will raise the American flag and the Lindsay Medal of Honor flag followed by a performance of the National Anthem and patriotic music by the Greene County High School Band.
Ava Hinote, who won the fifth grade flag essay contest, will recite her winning entry. Army veteran Steve Fisher will give the Memorial Day address.
A joint VFW / American Legion firing squad will salute fallen heroes while Taps is played by Caleb Most and Chris Finley.
Volunteers Appreciated: anyone wishing to assist in erecting the Avenue of Flags would be welcome to help by arriving at the cemetery at 8 am on Saturday, May 28.
Churdan – St Patrick Church in Cedar Township, 8 am Mass, followed by military service at St Patrick Cemetery
Highland Cemetery in Churdan – military service at 9:30 am with music provided by the Town and Country Band.
Coffee and rolls will be served at the Churdan American Legion Hall from 8 am to noon hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary.
Rippey services – Kinkead-Martin American Legion Post #583 will perform a ceremony at Fairview beginning at 9 am followed by the Bowers-Angus Cemetery at 10 am, then Old Rippey at 10:30 am. They will conclude the services in the Rippey Cemetery at 11 am.
A free-will lunch will be served at the Rippey United Methodist Church after the ceremony at the cemetery.
Richland Township Cemetery, St Mary’s Cemetery and Franklin Township Cemetery – The Jamaica American Legion Paul Johnson Post 687 will conduct services at Richland Cemetery at 9 am, St Mary’s Cemetery north of Jamaica at 10 am, followed by Franklin Township Cemetery at Cooper at 11 am.
Dillavou Cemetery north of Ralston – 2 pm. Guest speaker is Mike Bierl, Greene County veterans affairs. Bring lawn chairs. In case of rain or high winds, the service will be held at the Ralston fire department building. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal