Fine Arts evening to include music, speech, and art

The Fine Arts department at Greene County High School will present a variety show Tuesday, May 3, at 6:30 pm at the school.

Performing arts will be in the auditorium with instrumental and vocal soloists. Speech contest students will perform some of their state speech selections. Allee Hinote and Eliot Schilling will perform a poetry and literature program, Gavin Vander Linden will present Star Wars poetry, Esther Van Horn will perform “The Toothbrush You Just Threw Away Has Some Questions”, Rym Gherairi will present her tongue-in-cheek All-State selection “Why I Hate Being a Foreign Exchange Students”, and Hinote, Olivia Hoyt, Eliot Schilling and Ava Schilling will perform a short one act play, “Ladies of the Mop.”

Student artwork will be displayed outside the auditorium.

The public is invited. There is no admission charge.

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