ISU Extension, Greene County Schools and Iowa Central partner in career readiness training

Three Greene County residents recently successfully completed a long-planned project. A partnership with  Greene County Iowa State Extension and Outreach, the Greene County Schools and Iowa Central Community College Career Academy, successfully initiated a model to improve employment opportunities. Data indicates Greene County has a workforce of 5,426, with the unemployment rate of 3.1 percent based upon January 2022 information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Greene County ISU Extension director Lori Mannel listened to Greene County businesspeople as they expressed their need for additional employees. ISU Extension and Outreach on campus set the challenge for all 100 offices to create a local Covid Recovery Action Plan in a specific focus. The Greene County Extension Council determined the priority area would be reviving the Iowa economy. Mannel secured sponsorship from two major employers, McLaughlin Family Companies and Jefferson Telecom, for seed money to start the Career Readiness project. 

Mannel then reached out to Teresa Green, Iowa Central Community College Career Academy specialist, to focus on ways Greene Countians could improve their soft career building skills. 

Numerous other community partners provided assistance: Small Business Development, ISU community economic development, Greene County Development Corporation, and Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community, along with community institutions that included individual volunteers. These persons served to review the resumes and cover letters and offer constructive guidance. 

The class focused on developing and succinctly preparing a resume that will accompany any application. The resume building class included preparation of a cover letter that will encourage the recipient to review the resume and learn more about the potential employee. 

The new Greene County Career Academy was an excellent facility for teaching the class as the large computer screen available could be read by all attendees, while the individuals could create their own documents on their assigned computers.

Additional classes will be available thru Greene County ISU Extension, and the Greene County Schools/ Iowa Central Community College to aid participants in practicing interview skills. Potential classes will include hosting mock interviews with Greene County employers to practice and learn pointers for actual interviews. This will also provide an opportunity for the participants and employers to network.

Mannel said, “These types of classes will not only assist individuals in securing higher paying and more satisfying positions, but also assist employers in obtaining the best hire for their businesses.”

Teresa Green, her partner in this endeavor, offered praise, as “this partnership was one of the first to develop this training model. Iowa Central and Greene County Community Schools were pleased to be a part of this endeavor”. ~by Mary Weaver for GreeneCountyNewsOnline

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