HOPES program receives state credential

Greene County public health’s HOPES program has earned the Iowa Family Support Credential through the Iowa Department of Management and Public Health. The Iowa Family Support Credential is awarded to family support and parent education programs that are validated through an external evaluation to be in substantial adherence to the Iowa Family Support Standards.

The Iowa Family Support Standards are based on the most up-to-date, evidence-based practice in the family support field.  Adherence to the standards indicates that the program is providing high quality services that will result in positive outcomes for young children and their families. The HOPES program diligently worked toward meeting all of the 138 standards over the course of more than a year with the assistance of a program specialist. A peer review was conducted by trained peers from Iowa to validate the program’s adherence to the standards. The Iowa Family Support Credential is valid for five years. 

HOPES, Healthy Opportunities for Parents to Experience Success, is a voluntary in-home visitation program provided by Greene County Public Health. HOPES provides guidance related to prenatal infant, toddler and children’s development to age 3. Persons who want additional information concerning the HOPES program can contact Sara Miller, Greene County Medical Center public health, at 515-386-3228, or email sara.miller@gcmchealth.com

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