Pair of candidate forums slated

The Greene County Education Association is hosting a public forum for candidates for Greene County Schools board of education Monday, Oct. 18, from 7 to 8 pm in the elementary school cafeteria.

Teachers and the public will pose questions to school board candidates Catherine Wilson, Cindi Daubendiek, Michelle Fields, Nick Lehman, Sean Sebourn and Bonnie Silbaugh. Voters will elect three members to the board at the Nov. 2 city/school election.

The Rotary Club of Jefferson will host a public forum Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 7 to 8 pm in the council chambers at the Jefferson municipal building for Jefferson city council candidates in the Nov. 2 election.

City council candidates Harry Ahrenholtz, Heath Enns, Darren Jackson, Mark Wright and Pat Zmolek all plan to attend. Voters will elect three.

Rick Morain will serve as moderator at both forums.

Candidates will introduce themselves, take questions from Morain, and then field questions from the public. There is no charge – all are invited.

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