Letter to the editor – GCMC CNO says vote ‘Yes’ on gaming question

To the editor,

I wanted to send a letter to the community of Greene County in support of the Grow Greene County.

Since moving to Jefferson last year, I have been struck by the support that this organization has provided to fund projects that have enhanced the lives in this community.

One specific example of this philanthropy and how it positively affects patrons was in 2015/16 when they funded the biology safety cabinet, sterile compounding hood, and negative pressure clean room so that Greene County Medical Center could offer oncology services.

As the chief nursing officer at GCMC, I see on a daily basis that providing oncology services locally makes it easier on patients who are having difficult chemotherapy and follow up medication therapy. These often fragile patients no longer have to drive the 50-60 minutes to receive a therapy that can further wear them out, because at GCMC we can mix the medications in an area that is state of the art and administer the medications safely on site. Without the support from Grow Greene County, this care would not be provided locally.

The focus of this organization to enhance and improve the lives in Greene County demonstrates the commitment to give back so that the community can grow and thrive.

Please vote YES to keep gaming, Greene County, so the community can continue to benefit in ways that impact so many lives.

Susan Moore, Jefferson

Chief Nursing Officer, Greene County Medical Center

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