In the neighborhood

August 11, 2021

Summer reading program – Rippey library concluded its summer reading program on Friday, Aug. 6. Kristina Campbell from the Blank Park Zoo, began the program reading, A Tale about Tails by Dr. Seuss, highlighting the summer reading theme, Trails and Tails.

She introduced Athena, a leopard gecko to the audience and everyone had a close look with questions asked and answered. She shared several animal skins whose fur and tails could be petted. There was a little reluctance when the skunk fur was offered to stroke! She finished the program introducing J. J., a  Virginia opossum, to the audience.  I couldn’t help commenting that I probably have some of his Iowa relatives living around my house!

About 15 adults and 18 children enjoyed the event under the shade of the trees in front of the library. We were also able to meet and welcome our new librarian, Sara Heinen. Stop in, introduce yourself and wish her well as she starts her new job. Be sure to check out some books, while you are there!

 Jean’s Jottings – It’s pretty quiet at my house.  The Arizona family left on Monday and started to school Wednesday, Aug. 4. I have several piles to put away until the next visit. There is a basket of “treasures” that need to be sent at some point. It may take a couple boxes! It was a great two weeks.  

Maybe I will get back to sorting and cleaning.  We’ll see.

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