Covid rate declines in Greene County

The 7-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing is at 12 percent as of Monday, Aug. 9, reports Greene County public health director Becky Wolf. She continues to urge the public to wear masks while in public indoor spaces regardless of vaccination status because of the “high” level of community transmission of the virus.

As of Aug. 9, there have been 905 cases of Covid-19 in Greene County, per the CDC Covid data tracker.

With the approaching new school year, Wolf provides the following information:

How long should COVID-19 positive students, teachers, or other staff members stay home?

COVID-19 positive persons can return to normal activities after:

  • 10 days since symptoms first appeared and,
  • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and,
  • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*

Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation All other sick students, teachers, or other staff members should stay home in accordance with existing school procedures, generally until 24 hours after their symptoms resolve.

What should I do if I’ve had close contact with a friend who has COVID-19?

 Symptoms may develop 2-14 days after exposure.

Unvaccinated persons who remain without symptoms are advised to stay home and monitor symptoms from 14 days via one of these two options:

  • Stay home through day 10 if no symptoms have developed OR,
  • Stay home through day 7, testing no earlier than day 5. If negative and no symptoms have developed, can leave home after day 7.

 Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms do not need to stay home or be tested following exposure. Self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days after exposure.

Fully vaccinated people with COVID-like symptoms should stay home, evaluated by their healthcare provider, and be tested.

 Contacts who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past three months and have not developed any new symptoms, do not need to stay home, but should self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

Persons who need more information can call Greene County public health at 515-386-3228.

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