Bike trail bridge repair completed

The bridge across the Raccoon River on the Raccoon River Valley Trail south of Jefferson opened for riders Friday. With the bridge open again, bicyclists can ride the entire distance from Des Moines to Jefferson.

Loren Turner of Jefferson was the first bicyclist to ride across the bridge Friday morning. | Greene County conservation photo by Dan Towers

The bridge was closed in March 2019 after ice on the river damaged a 70-foot span. Conservation director Dan Towers estimated to repair the bridge at $400,000.

When it came time to do the work, total cost was $829,000. Federal Emergency Management Administration :(FEMA) funds paid 75 percent of that, with Iowa Homeland Security adding 10 percent. The county provided 15 percent of the cost.

An ‘official’ ribbon-cutting will be held next week.

Bridge on the bike trail south of Jefferson, March 2019. | photo by Dan Towers

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