Public health keeps working at vaccinating against Covid-19

Greene County public health staff has worked diligently in recent weeks but the numbers of Greene County residents vaccinated against Covid-19 have not changed accordingly.

Public health director Becky Wolf reported May 24 that a total of 64 students – just 3 percent of those ages 12-18 – received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at clinics held at county schools last week. Second doses will be given June 10 and June 11 from 10 am to 2 pm at Greene County public health on the Greene County Medical Center campus. No appointments are needed.

In recent weeks, the Covid-19 vaccine has been offered at the Greene County Action Resource Center food pantry in an effort to reach those who may experience barriers to accessing health care, including vaccinations.

Forty percent of all Greene County residents older than age 18 are fully vaccinated, up from 39.2 percent on May 17. The number of persons age 65 and older who are fully vaccinated is unchanged at 80 percent.

Wolf said public health will continue its outreach efforts into the summer months.

As of May 24, the 14-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing is 1.0 percent. There have been a total of 867 cases of Covid-19 in the county; of those, 108 are active cases.

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