Covid-19 still on the rise in county

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Greene County continues to grow. Greene County public health director Becky Wolf reports 241 active cases as of Monday morning. A total of 415 residents have had or now have the virus. One county resident has died of Covid-19.

The 14-day positivity rate of testing is 25.9 percent, up from 23.3 a week ago.

There have been 187 new cases in the past 14 days, 12 in the seven days, 42 in the past three days, and 17 in the past 24 hours.

Forty-three percent of patients with Covid-19 have no pre-existing health conditions, and 29 percent had no symptoms.

The percentage of young people (age 0-18) with the illness has increased to 17. The age distribution is 19-39 years, 31 percent; 40-59 years, 32 percent; 60-79 years, 19 percent; and 80 and older, 4 percent.

Persons who test positive for Covid-19 should remain isolated from other household members. Staff from Greene County public health or Iowa Department of Public Health will contact patients to share more information. Persons can call the local public health department at 515-386-0564.

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