Annie’s Project provides ag business ed for Iowa farm women

Annie’s Project, a six-week course designed especially to help farm women develop their management and decision-making skills, is being offered by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Greene County and is sponsored by Greene County Iowa Corn Growers.

Classes begin Monday, Nov. 2 and continue Nov. 9, Nov. 16, Nov. 23, Nov. 30 and Dec. 7, 2020. Classes begin at 9 am with a light meal provided starting at 8:45 am. Classes will be held at the Greene County Extension Office at 104 West Washington St. in Jefferson, Iowa. Online registration is available at or at the Greene County office.

Farm women participating in Annie’s Project courses become better business partners and owners by learning to manage and organize critical information for their own farms, while establishing networks with other farm women and agriculture business professionals.

According to Tim Christensen, ISU Extension and Outreach farm specialist, Annie’s Project covers five areas of agricultural risk management: financial, human resources, legal, marketing and production.

 “Our goal is to provide a program that allows women to become even more knowledgeable about their farm businesses,” Christensen states. “Each session includes presentations, discussions, as well as hands-on activities,” he says.

“In addition, guest speakers share their personal experiences and knowledge to help women become better business partners and owners,” says Christensen.

The courses foster problem solving, record keeping, and decision-making skills in farm women. “Annie’s Project empowers women by offering a valuable set of business-based workshops. The program helps participants learn ways to make better financial and risk management decisions,” says Madeline Schultz, ISU Extension and Outreach Women in Ag program manager.

Class size for Annie’s Project is limited. ISU Extension and Outreach Greene County is prioritizing the health and safety of Iowans and are following the most current federal, state, local, and university COVID-19 guidelines. Visit Open for Iowa to learn our protocols to keep Iowans healthy and safe. Participants are strongly encouraged to wear a cloth face covering when in the presence of others and unable to maintain a six-foot physical distance.

Persons who want more information can contact Greene County Extension and Outreach at 515-386-2138, or e-mail Lori Mannel at Register online at

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