Middle school sports

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

The Greene County eighth grade girls volleyball team traveled to Carroll on Sept. 29 to play ABC matches with the Tigers. The two teams were pretty evenly matched and GC had some good volleys. The Rams won the C match along with four of the nine games.

Game Scores: A:  19-21, 16-21, 15-13; B:  21-16, 14-21, 10-15; C:  21-15, 21-7, 12-15       

Top servers: Rylyn Sigler 15/15 with seven aces for 100 percent; Brooklyn Roberts 12/12 with two aces for 100 percent; Ella Shipley 9/9 with an ace for 100 percent; Taylor Kaufman 15/17 with five aces for 88 percent; Violet Reedy 8/10 with two aces for 80 percent.

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