Tasler wrapping up 43 years as county employee

Marcia Tasler, Greene County recorder

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

Her days are numbered as Greene County recorder. Marcia Tasler looks forward to retirement. The longtime County employee officially retires on Oct. 31, but her last day in the courthouse is the day before.

Tasler began work as a clerk in the county treasurer’s office on Oct. 17, 1977. She moved across the hall to the auditor’s office before finding her niche in the recorder’s office in 1985. She ran for office and began her long career as the recorder on Jan. 1, 1987. 

That’s 43 years as a Greene County employee. 

In most elections, Tasler, a Democrat, rarely had opposition and she was never seriously challenged in her re-election bids.

“Where did all the time go?” reflected Tasler. “I started here when I was single. I’m now married with four kids, 10 grandkids and another one on the way.”

She recommended the board of supervisors appoint the deputy recorder Deb McDonald as her replacement. The board has announced plans to do that, although the citizens have the right to call for a special election.

“It’s been an interesting ride,” said Tasler about her career. She recalled spending hours and hours entering real estate information in the computers as the swing to computerized data was made.

“We might type all day on the computer and then lose it all,” laughed Tasler. “It was quite the experience.”

“I’m all about service and providing assistance to our customers,” Tasler added. She feels confident the customer service she always strived to provide will continue after she’s gone.

Tasler has no big plans for her retirement but hopes to enjoy and help with her grandchildren more. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there won’t be the traditional retirement party with coffee and cake but she understands. Right now, she’s enjoying phone calls and visits with residents who are extending their good wishes on her retirement. 

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