Five more Covid cases in county

As of this morning, Oct 7, Greene County currently has 143 confirmed cases of COVID-19, an increase of five since Tuesday, Greene County director of public health reported.  Seventy-one people have recovered (38 with no pre-existing condition) and there have been no deaths.  The 14-day average of positive cases is 7.7 percent.

If the current rate if increased spread continues in the county, the case count will double in 27 days. The rate of spread is three days shorter than on Tuesday.

 Top four age groups for positive cases:

  • 19-24 years: 12 percent
  • 50-54 years: 12.3 percent
  • 40-44 years and 60-64 years: Each 10 percent

Wolf also provided answers to three commonly asked questions about Covid-19.

What is isolation? Isolation is the period of time one is contagious and can infect others. Persons who test positive, or those with COVID-like symptoms should ISOLATE themselves from other household members and remain home until the following criteria are met:

  • Free of fever for 24 hours without the need for fever-reducing medications
    • Symptoms have improved
    • At least 10 days passed since onset of symptoms

What is quarantine? Quarantine is the period of time one who has been exposed to COVID-19 should remain at home to prevent the spread of this infection to others.

This means staying home and avoiding anyone outside of the household for 14 days following the exposure to COVID-19. 

I was exposed to someone with COVID-19. Neither of us were wearing masks or staying outside each other’s six foot “bubble.” What do I do now?

  • You should immediately quarantine at home and monitor yourself for symptoms which may occur between two and 14 days
  • Do NOT allow non-household members to visit.
  • Consider getting tested for COVID at least 48 hours after exposure OR you develop symptoms

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