Jeff council to take first look at proposed cat policy

The Jefferson city council will discuss a “cat policy” at its July 14 meeting. Council meetings have been the scene of heated discussions about trap-neuter-release programs over the past year. The policy that will be discussed makes no mention of trap-neuter-release, but it does mention “humane euthanasia.”

Residents may trap cats on their property. It is recommended to have the cat checked for a microchip, but the resident can do as he/she wishes with the cat if the trap is privately owned.

The proposed policy follows, verbatim:

“It is not the intent of this proposal to eliminate a community cats [sic] without doing what is possible to ensure we are not euthanizing someone’s pet. The owner of the cat is to make sure the cat is taken care of. It is the intent to make sure cat colonies are managed and eliminated for the safety of the residents of Jefferson.

”A citizen using their own trap and catch a cat [sic] on their own property has the right to do with that cat as they see fit. This includes humane euthanasia or take them out of town. It is recommended to have the cat checked for a microchip. The city has no responsibility with this option.

“The city may provide a trap to confine cats on private property if the property owner believes there is a nuisance cat causing damage to their property. These cats will be checked for a microchip by the property owner. Non-microchipped cats may be humanely euthanized.

“If the cat has a microchip and an owner can be established the owner can pay applicable fees and get the cat back, it could be adopted, or the cat could be humanely euthanized or taken out of town. Any cost will be on the property owner.

“The city can trap any cat on city property. The PD will check all traps on city property twice daily, by 8 am and at 5 pm. These cats will be checked for a microchip and/or an ear notch. Marked cats will be logged and after the second time the cat is caught humane disposal will be considered and may be carried out, whether that is euthanasia or removed from city limits. If the cat has a microchip and an owner can be established the owner can pay applicable fees and get the cat back or the cat can be adopted or it could be humanely euthanized or taken out of town. This will be at the city’s cost.”

The meeting begins at 5:30 at the Jefferson municipal building. The cat policy is listed at the end of a lengthy agenda.

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