Although the weather has not cooperated and the project is slightly behind schedule, the construction of the new high school and career academy continues to go well, reports school superintendent Tim Christensen.

Henkel Construction, the general contractor on the project, is doing an outstanding job pushing ahead with work despite very wet conditions, Christensen said. Over the next month, windows will be going into the career academy building, concrete will be poured to establish the second floor of the academic wing, structural steel will be completed on the academic wing and roof trusses for the academic wing will be set.
Work will be started to set the precast panels for the auditorium.
The concrete floors for the locker rooms will be poured. Concrete will be poured for the north parking lot and work will continue on spreading black dirt around the site on areas that a finish grade has been established.
Design work has also started on the current high school that will be converted to the middle school. The designs that are being worked on include moving the office to the front of the building and creating a secure entrance. Moving the district office to the middle school and making modifications to the gymnasium in order to establish seating will allow middle school and sub-varsity contests to be played there.
Current plans are to put this work out for bid in January/February of next year with work to begin at the end of the school year.