Chloe Berns was selected as 2019 Greene County Fair Queen and will represent the county at the Iowa State Fair queen contest next month. She was selected from among four candidates Friday evening.
Chloe, the daughter of Lori and Brian Berns, will begin her senior year at Paton-Churdan High School in August. She is been active in 4-H, her church youth group, soccer, and the P-C volleyball and basketball teams. She is also a member of the P-C student council and National Honor Society.
She was crowned by 2018 Greene County Fair Queen Gina Brown.
Along with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the State Fair queen contest, she won a $500 college scholarship donated by Humboldt Mutual Insurance, with local agents at Kingsgate Insurance. Humboldt Mutual is providing similar scholarships in all eight counties in which it has customers.
Other queen contestants were Izzy Bravard, Ellie Madson and Tieryn Tucker, all members of the Greene County High School class of 2020.

Ann Cunningham was superintendent of the contest. Beta Tau Delta provided judges.